Trelona vs Sentricon: Termites Control Compared

trelona vs sentricon

Termites can cause significant damage to homes, costing homeowners billions of dollars each year. When it comes to termite control, two popular options are Trelona and Sentricon. In this article, we will compare these two termite baiting systems to help you make an informed decision about the best solution for your home.

Key Takeaways

  • Trelona and Sentricon are two popular termite baiting systems.
  • Termites can cause significant damage to homes, leading to costly repairs.
  • Termidor is a liquid ground treatment that provides long-term protection against termites.
  • Sentricon uses bait stations to eliminate termite colonies effectively.
  • Trelona is a DIY-friendly termite baiting system that may be more effective than Sentricon.

About Termites

Termites are invasive pests that can cause extensive damage to homes. They live in colonies underground, with a single colony housing millions of termites. These pests feed on wood, making your home their primary target. Even a small crack or hole measuring just 1/16 of an inch is enough for termites to enter and start wreaking havoc.

Termites are commonly known as “silent destroyers” because they can go unnoticed for long periods, causing significant structural damage by the time their presence is discovered. Being social insects, termites work together in a highly organized manner to ensure the survival and growth of their colonies.

Termite infestations can go undetected for years, which is why it’s crucial to be proactive in identifying and addressing potential termite problems. Recognizing the signs of termite activity early on can save homeowners from extensive termite damage and costly repairs.

termite damage

“Termites can cause extensive damage to homes. It’s imperative to identify and address termite infestations early on to prevent costly repairs.”

“Even a small crack or hole measuring just 1/16 of an inch is enough for termites to enter and start wreaking havoc.”

About Termidor

When it comes to termite treatment, Termidor is a highly effective solution. This liquid ground treatment is designed to kill termites and prevent future infestations, providing long-lasting protection for your home.

Termidor contains fipronil, an active ingredient that is also used in flea treatments for pets. This powerful ingredient targets termites, effectively eliminating them and their colonies.

One of the key advantages of Termidor is its longevity. Once applied, it creates a protective barrier in the soil that remains effective for up to 14 years. This ensures long-term termite control, giving you peace of mind.

The Termidor treatment process involves two steps. Firstly, the infested areas are directly treated, exterminating termites on contact. Then, a protective barrier is created around the exterior of your home, preventing termites from reinfesting.

With Termidor, you can trust that your home is safeguarded against termites for years to come, thanks to its powerful fipronil formula and long-lasting effectiveness.

Termite treatment with Termidor

About Sentricon

Sentricon is a termite control system that utilizes innovative termite bait stations to effectively eliminate termite colonies. These bait stations are strategically placed around your property, creating a protective barrier against termites.

The bait used in Sentricon stations is specifically designed to be highly attractive to termites. It contains noviflumuron, a powerful toxin that disrupts the molting process of termites. This process is vital for termites to grow and reproduce, so when they consume the bait, they unknowingly share the toxin with other members of their colony.

The noviflumuron toxin spreads throughout the termite colony, ultimately leading to its complete eradication.

Sentricon offers a unique advantage over traditional termite control methods. Unlike liquid treatments that require drilling holes into your property, Sentricon bait stations are discreet and minimize disruption to your home’s structure. These bait stations are installed and maintained by licensed pest control specialists who ensure the effective implementation and continuous monitoring of the system.

The Sentricon system is not only highly effective but also environmentally friendly. By targeting termites directly at their source, Sentricon reduces the need for widespread chemical applications, making it a sustainable and ecologically sound choice for termite control.

With Sentricon, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is protected against termites and their destructive consequences. Trust in the innovative technology of Sentricon’s termite bait stations and the expertise of licensed professionals to safeguard your property.

Advantages of Sentricon:

  • Highly effective in eliminating termite colonies
  • Discreet and minimally invasive bait station installation
  • Utilizes noviflumuron toxin to disrupt termite molting
  • Sustainable and environmentally friendly termite control
  • Installed and maintained by licensed pest control specialists

Investing in Sentricon’s advanced termite control system can help you protect your home from the devastating damage caused by termites.

About Trelona

Trelona Sentricon
Termite Baiting System Termite Baiting System
Novaluron Noviflumuron
Installed and maintained by homeowners or professional pest control companies Installed and maintained by licensed pest control specialists
Prevents termites from molting Prevents termites from molting
Spreads effects to the entire colony Spreads effects to other members of the colony
Larger bait stations Standard bait stations
Updated bait formula Standard bait formula

Trelona is a termite baiting system designed to effectively eliminate termite colonies. It employs bait stations that contain novaluron, a growth inhibitor that prevents termites from molting. This results in the disruption of the termite life cycle and the eventual control of the infestation.

One key advantage of Trelona is its versatility. It can be installed and maintained by both homeowners and professional pest control companies, offering flexibility and convenience. This allows homeowners to take charge of termite control or seek expert assistance if needed.

Worker termites that come into contact with the Trelona bait carry the novaluron back to the nest, unknowingly spreading its effects to the entire colony. This strategy ensures that the bait reaches the queen and other key members, leading to the overall collapse of the termite population.

Compared to Sentricon, Trelona boasts larger bait stations and an updated bait formula, which are believed to contribute to its increased effectiveness. The larger size of the bait stations allows for enhanced bait consumption by termites, while the improved formula delivers potent effects against the infestation.

Why Choose Trelona?

Trelona provides a comprehensive termite control solution that combines the convenience of DIY installation with the expertise of professional pest control services. Its novaluron-based baiting system ensures effective colony elimination, giving homeowners peace of mind knowing their properties are protected from termite damage.

When it comes to termite control, choosing the right baiting system is crucial. Trelona offers an efficient and reliable solution for homeowners looking to combat termite infestations effectively. With its larger bait stations and updated bait formula, Trelona provides a cutting-edge approach to termite control.


When it comes to termite control options, both Trelona and Sentricon offer effective solutions. Termidor, a liquid treatment, provides immediate control and long-lasting protection against termites. On the other hand, Sentricon utilizes bait stations to completely eliminate termite colonies. Trelona, a competitor to Sentricon, is a cost-effective termite solution that can be installed and maintained by homeowners themselves, potentially making it more appealing.

When making a decision, it is important to consider various factors. Installation requirements, effectiveness, cost, and eco-friendliness are key factors to determine the best termite treatment option for your home. While Termidor offers long-lasting protection and Sentricon provides a comprehensive colony elimination approach, Trelona’s accessibility for DIY installation makes it a convenient and potentially more effective choice.

In conclusion, when looking for termite control options, consider your specific needs, budget, and environmental concerns. Both professional treatments like Termidor and Sentricon, as well as the DIY option of Trelona, offer effective and reliable solutions for termite control. Choose the option that suits your requirements, providing cost-effective termite solutions and eco-friendly termite control.


Are Trelona and Sentricon effective for termite control?

Yes, both Trelona and Sentricon offer effective solutions for termite control.

What is Termidor?

Termidor is a liquid ground treatment designed to kill termites and prevent future infestations.

How does Sentricon work?

Sentricon is a termite control system that uses bait stations to eliminate termite colonies. The bait used in Sentricon stations contains noviflumuron, a toxin that prevents termites from molting.

What is Trelona?

Trelona is a termite baiting system that can be installed and maintained by homeowners or professional pest control companies.

Which termite control option is more effective, Trelona or Sentricon?

Trelona is considered to be more effective than Sentricon due to its larger bait stations and updated bait formula.

How should I choose between Trelona and Sentricon?

When choosing between Trelona and Sentricon, consider factors such as installation requirements, effectiveness, cost, and eco-friendliness to find the best termite treatment for your home.

Can I install Trelona myself?

Yes, Trelona can be installed and maintained by homeowners or professional pest control companies.

What are the advantages of Termidor?

Termidor provides immediate control and long-lasting protection against termites.

How does Sentricon eliminate termite colonies?

Sentricon uses bait stations that are highly attractive to termites. As termites feed on the bait, they unknowingly pass a toxin to other members of the colony, eventually eradicating it.

Is Trelona a cost-effective termite control option?

Trelona can be a cost-effective termite control option, especially for homeowners who choose to install and maintain it themselves.

Are Trelona and Sentricon eco-friendly?

Both Trelona and Sentricon can be considered as eco-friendly termite control options.

Trelona vs Sentricon: Termites Control Compared

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