Promar 200 vs Duration: Best Paint for Your Home

promar 200 vs duration

When it comes to selecting the perfect paint for your home, there are numerous factors to consider. Two popular options on the market are Promar 200 and Duration paints. To make an informed decision, it’s important to evaluate various aspects such as cost, durability, coverage, workability, touch-up ability, washability, and self-priming. By understanding the features and benefits of each paint, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Promar 200 and Duration are both excellent choices for home painting projects.
  • Consider factors such as cost, durability, coverage, workability, touch-up ability, washability, and self-priming.
  • Promar 200 offers good coverage and workability, while Duration paint has self-priming properties and better touch-up ability.
  • Both paints have high durability and washability, making them suitable for high-traffic areas.
  • Make a decision based on your specific requirements and budget.

Coverage Comparison: Promar 200 vs Duration

When it comes to selecting the right paint for your home, coverage is an important factor to consider. A paint’s coverage determines how well it conceals the surface, ultimately saving time, effort, and money. In this section, we will compare the coverage capabilities of Promar 200 and Duration paints, helping you make an informed decision.

Promar 200 offers impressive coverage, ensuring efficient and effective results. With just two brush coats, Promar 200 delivers an estimated 98% coverage. In addition, two rolls of Promar 200 guarantee complete coverage at 100%. This remarkable coverage saves you both time and material, allowing you to achieve a satisfying finish with fewer coats.

Duration paint also excels in coverage, offering excellent hiding power. Similar to Promar 200, Duration paint ensures complete coverage, resulting in bright and vibrant walls. Whether you opt for brush application or rolls, Duration paint provides reliable coverage to transform your space.

What’s even better is that both Promar 200 and Duration paints come with a similar retail price, making it easier for you to compare their coverage capabilities without compromising your budget.

Let’s summarize the coverage comparison between Promar 200 and Duration paints:

Promar 200 Duration
Coverage After Two Brush Coats 98% N/A
Coverage After Two Rolls 100% 100%
Retail Price Similar Similar

promar 200 coverage

As depicted in our comparison table, both Promar 200 and Duration paints deliver exceptional coverage. However, it’s important to consider other factors such as durability, workability, touch-up ability, washability, self-priming, and overall value before making your final decision. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into these aspects in the upcoming sections of our article.

Workability and Application: Promar 200 vs Duration

Promar 200 and Duration paints offer excellent workability and application properties, ensuring a smooth painting experience for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.

Promar 200 boasts good workability, allowing for easy spreading without excessive splattering when brushing or rolling. With just one dip of the brush, it offers a workability rate of 24-28 inches, providing optimal control and efficiency during application.

Duration paint is also known for its good workability, enabling smooth and even application. Its consistent viscosity ensures easy brushing or rolling, resulting in a professional finish every time.

Both Promar 200 and Duration paints have similar drying times, allowing for efficient project completion. After application, these paints dry within a reasonable timeframe, minimizing waiting periods and ensuring a timely finish.

promar 200 workability

Promar 200 Duration
Workability Good Good
Drying Time Similar to Duration Similar to Promar 200

Touch-up Ability: Promar 200 vs Duration

When it comes to touch-up ability, both Promar 200 and Duration paints offer average results. While touch-ups can be a convenient way to address small imperfections or blemishes on your walls, it is important to note that it is generally best to paint entire walls rather than just touching up specific areas. This ensures a seamless finish and avoids any noticeable discrepancies in color or texture.

That being said, Duration paint may have a slight advantage in touch-up ability compared to Promar 200. Its formulation allows for better blending and feathering, which can help mask touch-up spots more effectively. This can be particularly beneficial if you need to address minor scuffs or scratches on your painted surfaces.

However, it is important to keep in mind that touch-up results can vary depending on factors such as paint color, sheen level, and the nature of the surface being painted. It is always a good idea to test the touch-up paint on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure color and texture compatibility.

To achieve the best results when touching up your walls, follow these steps:

  1. Clean the area to be touched up to ensure proper adhesion.
  2. Use the same batch of paint that was originally applied to maintain consistency in color and sheen.
  3. Apply the touch-up paint with a small brush or roller, feathering the edges to blend them with the surrounding area.
  4. Allow the touch-up paint to dry completely before assessing the results. If necessary, repeat the process until you achieve the desired outcome.

Remember, touch-up paint should be used as a temporary solution and is not intended to substitute for a fresh coat of paint. If your walls require extensive touch-ups or show significant wear and tear, it may be time to consider repainting the entire surface for a more consistent and professional-looking finish.

Expert Tip:

“When conducting touch-ups, it’s always a good idea to keep a record of the specific paint colors, sheen levels, and other pertinent information. This will make future touch-ups easier and ensure that any inconsistencies are minimal.”

Promar 200 Duration
Average touch-up results Slightly better touch-up ability
Recommended for painting entire walls Recommended for painting entire walls
Consider testing touch-up paint on small, inconspicuous area first Consider testing touch-up paint on small, inconspicuous area first

Promar 200 Touch-up

When it comes to touch-up ability, both Promar 200 and Duration paints have their strengths. While Duration paint may have a slight advantage, it is essential to consider other factors such as coverage, workability, washability, and self-priming when making your final decision.

Washability and Durability: Promar 200 vs Duration

When it comes to choosing the right paint for your home, washability and durability are crucial factors to consider. Both Promar 200 and Duration paints offer exceptional performance in these areas, making them popular choices among homeowners and professionals alike.

Promar 200 Washability: Promar 200 paint is known for its remarkable washability, allowing for easy removal of stains without compromising the paint finish. Whether it’s fingerprints on walls or accidental spills, Promar 200 can withstand regular cleaning without fading or dulling.

Duration Washability: Similarly, Duration paint also boasts excellent washability properties. It is designed to endure frequent cleaning, making it ideal for high-traffic areas like hallways and kitchens. With Duration paint, you can confidently wipe away stains without worrying about compromising the paint’s quality or appearance.

Both paints have been extensively utilized in gymnasiums, school hallways, and classrooms, where frequent cleaning is necessary to maintain a clean and vibrant environment. The outstanding washability of Promar 200 and Duration paints ensures that these spaces stay fresh and inviting despite daily wear and tear.

In addition to washability, durability is another essential aspect to consider when choosing a paint. Both Promar 200 and Duration paints excel in this area, making them suitable for various surfaces and conditions.

Promar 200 Durability: Promar 200 paint is known for its exceptional durability, making it well-suited for high-traffic areas. It can withstand frequent use, abrasions, and scuffs, ensuring that your walls look great for a long time. Whether it’s in busy hallways or bustling living rooms, Promar 200 can handle the demands of daily life.

Duration Durability: Duration paint also offers impressive durability. It is formulated to resist fading, stains, and mildew, making it a reliable choice for both interior and exterior surfaces. With Duration paint, you can rest assured that your walls will remain vibrant and resistant to the effects of time and weather.

“Promar 200 and Duration paints provide outstanding washability and durability, ensuring that your walls stay clean and vibrant for years to come. Whether it’s removing stains or withstanding heavy use, these paints deliver excellent performance in both areas.”

Self-Priming and Value: Promar 200 vs Duration

When it comes to self-priming properties, Promar 200 and Duration paints have key differences. Promar 200, unfortunately, is not self-priming. Therefore, it is recommended to prime any spackle spots or bare surfaces before applying Promar 200 paint for optimal results. On the other hand, Duration paint offers the convenience of self-priming, making it a hassle-free option for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.

While self-priming is an important consideration, cost-effectiveness is also a crucial factor when choosing paint for your project. Promar 200 is generally considered a good product with a price point of $30.00. However, at a cost of $72.00, it may not be as budget-friendly as other options. In contrast, Duration paint provides good value for its price, offering a self-priming feature along with its other qualities.

When comparing Promar 200 vs Duration based on self-priming capabilities and cost, here is a breakdown:

Promar 200 Duration
Self-Priming No Yes
Price $30.00 Varies

It’s important to note that Duration paint offers the convenience of self-priming, saving you time and effort during the painting process. Additionally, considering the cost-effectiveness of paint options will help you make an informed decision based on your budget and project requirements.

Note: The prices mentioned above are approximate and may vary depending on location and retailer.

As seen in the image above, Promar 200 does not offer self-priming properties, while Duration paint provides the advantage of self-priming.


In conclusion, both Promar 200 and Duration paints have their strengths and weaknesses. Promar 200 offers exceptional coverage, making it an ideal choice for homeowners looking to achieve a consistent and smooth finish. It also boasts excellent workability, allowing for easy application and minimizing splattering. Additionally, Promar 200 provides impressive washability, ensuring that stains can be easily removed without affecting the paint’s quality.

On the other hand, Duration paint offers the advantage of being self-priming, saving you time and effort during the painting process. It also excels in touch-up ability, making it a better option for homeowners who may need to fix specific areas without repainting the entire wall. Furthermore, Duration paint demonstrates high durability, which is particularly important for areas that experience heavy foot traffic.

When choosing between Promar 200 and Duration paints, it’s crucial to consider your specific requirements and budget. Promar 200 is an excellent choice for rental properties or areas where price and washability are essential factors. However, if self-priming, touch-up ability, and overall performance are your priorities, Duration paint may be the better option for you. Ultimately, the decision boils down to your needs and preferences.


What are the key differences between Promar 200 and Duration paints?

The main differences between Promar 200 and Duration paints include their coverage, workability, touch-up ability, washability, self-priming properties, and cost.

How is the coverage of Promar 200 compared to Duration paint?

Promar 200 provides good coverage, with an estimated 98% coverage after two brush coats and 100% coverage in two rolls. Duration paint also offers excellent coverage, and both paints have a similar retail price.

How is the workability and application of Promar 200 and Duration paint?

Promar 200 has good workability, allowing for easy spreading and minimal splattering while brushing or rolling. It has a workability rate of 24-28″ with one dip of the brush. Duration paint also offers good workability and applies smoothly. Both paints have similar drying times.

How does the touch-up ability of Promar 200 compare to Duration paint?

Both Promar 200 and Duration paints have average touch-up ability. It is generally recommended to paint entire walls instead of just touching up specific areas. However, Duration paint may have a slight advantage in touch-up ability compared to Promar 200.

Which paint, Promar 200 or Duration, offers better washability and durability?

Both Promar 200 and Duration paints offer excellent washability, allowing for easy removal of stains without affecting the paint finish. They also have high durability, making them suitable for high-traffic areas like gymnasiums, school hallways, and classrooms.

Are Promar 200 and Duration paints self-priming?

Promar 200 is not self-priming, so it is advisable to prime spackle spots before application. On the other hand, Duration paint offers self-priming properties.

Which paint, Promar 200 or Duration, provides better value for the price?

Promar 200 is considered a good product at a price point of $30.00, but at $72.00, it may not be as cost-effective. Duration paint offers good value for its price.

What should I consider when deciding between Promar 200 and Duration paints?

When choosing between Promar 200 and Duration paints, consider your specific requirements, such as coverage, workability, touch-up ability, washability, self-priming, and budget. Assessing these factors will help you make an informed decision.

Promar 200 vs Duration: Best Paint for Your Home

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