Durock vs Wonderboard: Best Backer Choice?

durock vs wonderboard

When it comes to tiling projects, choosing the right backer board is crucial for a successful installation. Two popular options in the market are Durock and Wonderboard. Both cement-based boards offer durability and ease of use, but they have distinct qualities and applications. If you’re wondering which one is the best choice for your specific needs, this comparison will help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways:

  • Durock and Wonderboard are cement-based backer boards used for tiling projects.
  • Durock is heavier and contains glass mesh, while Wonderboard is lighter and easier to handle.
  • Durock is more suitable for areas that require strength and impact resistance.
  • Wonderboard is recommended for wet areas like shower walls as it is waterproof.
  • The choice between Durock and Wonderboard depends on specific project requirements and handling preferences.

What is Durock?

Durock is a cement board that serves as a reliable backer material for tile installations. Made of inorganic materials like fiberglass, cement, or limestone flour, Durock offers exceptional resistance to rotting and decomposing, ensuring long-lasting durability. Its strength and impact resistance make it suitable for both walls and floors, providing a sturdy surface for tile installation.

While Durock is known for its impressive qualities, it does come with some considerations. Due to its weight and the presence of glass mesh, handling Durock can be challenging. It is not recommended for use with softer materials like vinyl or porcelain, as it may cause damage. Additionally, the installation process of Durock can be complex, requiring experience and precision.

Strength of Durock: One of the primary advantages of Durock is its strength and impact resistance. It provides a stable and sturdy surface for tile installations, ensuring the longevity of the project.

Drawbacks of using Durock:

  1. Challenging to handle due to weight and presence of glass mesh.
  2. Not recommended for use with vinyl, porcelain, or other softer materials.
  3. The installation process can be difficult for beginners.

What is Wonderboard?

Wonderboard is a versatile cement board that is specifically designed for wet tiling areas such as bathrooms. Its waterproof properties and ability to withstand high-moisture environments make it an excellent choice for shower walls and other damp areas. Unlike Durock, Wonderboard is lighter and easier to handle, making installation a breeze. It also cuts more cleanly and evenly, ensuring precise and seamless tile placement. Wonderboard is known for its exceptional durability and remains intact even when submerged in water. Its versatility extends beyond bathrooms and includes applications such as decks, pools, and floors, although it is specially formulated for wet areas.

One of the key advantages of using Wonderboard is its ability to provide a reliable and long-lasting solution for water-prone environments. Its waterproof qualities ensure that your tiled surfaces and substrates remain protected from moisture damage, preventing costly repairs and replacements. Wonderboard’s lightweight nature not only makes it easier to transport and handle but also reduces the stress on the structure. This lightweight characteristic, combined with its exceptional strength, makes Wonderboard an ideal choice for both professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts.

With Wonderboard’s versatility, you can achieve stunning tile installations in various areas of your home. Whether it’s a bathroom renovation, a poolside project, or a deck remodeling, Wonderboard provides a secure foundation for your tiles. Its reliable performance and resistance to moisture make it a popular choice among homeowners and contractors alike.

Benefits of Wonderboard:

  • Waterproof: Wonderboard’s ability to withstand moisture makes it an excellent choice for wet areas.
  • Lightweight: Easier to handle and transport compared to other cement boards, reducing strain during installation.
  • Durable: Provides a long-lasting surface for tile installations, ensuring the longevity of your project.
  • Versatile: Suitable for a range of applications, including bathrooms, pools, decks, and floors.
  • Precise cutting: Cuts more cleanly and evenly, allowing for seamless tile placement.

Wonderboard Installation:

Installing Wonderboard is a straightforward process that follows similar steps to other cement boards. Here is a general outline of the installation process:

  1. Clean and prepare the installation area, ensuring it is dry and free from dust, dirt, and debris.
  2. Measure and cut the Wonderboard panels to fit the desired area, using appropriate safety equipment.
  3. Apply a layer of thin-set mortar to the installation surface.
  4. Securely fasten the Wonderboard panels to the surface using appropriate screws or nails, ensuring proper spacing and alignment.
  5. Seal the joints and corners with a suitable waterproofing membrane or cement board tape.
  6. Allow the Wonderboard to set and dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  7. Once dry, the Wonderboard is ready for tile installation.

In conclusion, Wonderboard is a waterproof, lightweight, and durable cement board specifically designed for wet areas such as bathrooms. Its ease of handling, precise cutting, and versatility make it a favorite among contractors and DIY enthusiasts. Whether you are renovating your bathroom or undertaking a larger project like a pool or deck, Wonderboard provides a reliable foundation for your tile installations.

waterproof wonderboard

Comparison between Durock and Wonderboard

When comparing Durock and Wonderboard, it’s essential to understand the key differences between these two cement-based backer board options. Here, we’ll examine their weight, handling, and waterproofing properties to help you make an informed decision for your next project.

Differences in Weight and Handling

Durock is known for its heavyweight, mainly due to the presence of glass mesh within the board. While this attribute contributes to its strength and impact resistance, it can make Durock more challenging to handle, especially for individuals working with softer materials like vinyl or porcelain. On the other hand, Wonderboard is lighter and easier to work with, making it an ideal choice for beginners or those concerned about the overall weight of the board.

Waterproofing Properties

Both Durock and Wonderboard offer water-resistant qualities, but they differ in terms of their waterproofing viability. Durock is designed to withstand moisture and can be utilized in both interior and exterior applications. Its ability to resist water makes it suitable for various tiling projects, including shower walls. Conversely, Wonderboard is primarily intended for interior use, specifically in wet areas such as bathrooms. Its waterproof characteristics ensure long-lasting performance in high-moisture environments.

Warranty Comparison

When it comes to warranty coverage, there is a notable variance between Durock and Wonderboard. Durock typically provides a 15-year limited warranty, ensuring peace of mind for homeowners and contractors. In contrast, Wonderboard offers an extended 30-year limited warranty, highlighting its long-term durability and the confidence it inspires for users.

durock vs wonderboard comparison


In summary, while both Durock and Wonderboard are suitable backer board options, their differences lie in their weight, handling ease, and warranty coverage. Durock’s heavy construction and glass mesh make it more challenging to handle, but its water resistance and suitability for both interior and exterior applications are significant advantages. On the other hand, Wonderboard’s lighter weight and exceptional waterproofing properties make it a preferred choice for beginners and projects primarily focused on indoor wet areas like showers. The extended 30-year warranty offered by Wonderboard underscores its reliability and longevity.

Advantages of Durock

Durock cement board offers several key advantages that make it an excellent choice for various tiling projects. Here are some of the benefits and uses of Durock:

  1. Durability: Durock cement board is known for its exceptional durability and impact resistance. It provides a strong and stable surface for tile installations, ensuring long-lasting results.
  2. Versatility: Durock can be used for both interior and exterior applications, making it a versatile option. Whether you’re renovating a bathroom or installing tiles in an outdoor area, Durock is up to the task.
  3. High-moisture resistance: One of the standout features of Durock is its ability to withstand high-moisture environments. Its waterproof properties make it an ideal choice for areas prone to water exposure, such as showers, basements, and other wet areas.

“Durock cement board is a reliable backer board choice for both walls and floors, providing a strong and stable surface for tile installations.”

Examples of Durock Uses

Durock cement board finds various applications in both residential and commercial projects. Some common uses of Durock include:

  • Tile installations in bathrooms, kitchens, and other high-moisture areas
  • Backsplashes and countertops
  • Exterior wall cladding
  • Underlayment for flooring, including hardwood and laminate
  • Shower walls and tub surrounds

Regardless of the specific project, Durock’s durability, versatility, and high-moisture resistance make it an excellent choice for ensuring the longevity and performance of your tile installations.

Advantages of Durock Cement Board
Durability and impact resistance
Versatility for both interior and exterior applications
High-moisture resistance, ideal for wet areas

Advantages of Durock Cement Board

Advantages of Wonderboard

When it comes to choosing the right cement board for your tiling project, Wonderboard offers several advantages that make it a top choice. Its unique qualities set it apart from other cement boards in terms of waterproofing, versatility, and ease of use.

1. Waterproof Wonderboard

Wonderboard is specifically designed to be waterproof, making it an excellent option for areas that are prone to moisture, such as showers and tub surrounds. Its ability to withstand high-moisture environments ensures long-lasting durability and prevents water damage. You can have peace of mind knowing that your tile installation is protected against water infiltration.

2. Versatility of Wonderboard

Wonderboard’s versatility allows it to be used in various applications. Whether you’re working on a deck, pool, or floor, Wonderboard can handle the job. Its adaptability makes it a versatile choice for different areas of your project, providing a sturdy base for tile installations.

3. Lighter and Easier to Handle

Compared to other cement boards like Durock, Wonderboard is lighter and easier to handle. Its reduced weight makes it more beginner-friendly and less strenuous to work with during the installation process. You’ll appreciate the convenience and ease that Wonderboard offers, especially if you’re new to tiling projects.

Wonderboard’s ability to remain intact even when submerged in water sets it apart from other cement boards in terms of waterproofing and durability.

In conclusion, Wonderboard has distinct advantages that make it a preferred choice for many tile installers. Its waterproof properties, versatility, and ease of handling make it suitable for wet areas, as well as other applications. By choosing Wonderboard, you can ensure a reliable and long-lasting tile installation that can withstand the challenges of moisture-prone environments.

Drawbacks of using Wonderboard

While Wonderboard offers many advantages for tiling projects, it is essential to consider its limitations and potential drawbacks before deciding to use it. Understanding these drawbacks can help ensure that you make an informed choice for your project.

  • Approved for interior use only: One notable drawback of Wonderboard is that it is not approved for exterior applications. If you are planning to use cement board for an outdoor project, such as a deck or patio, Wonderboard may not be the suitable option.
  • Porous core and water absorption: Wonderboard has a porous core, which means it can absorb water if not properly sealed. This can be a concern in areas prone to high moisture, such as bathrooms or kitchens. It is crucial to ensure thorough sealing to prevent water damage and maintain the integrity of the board.
  • Limited compatibility: Wonderboard has specific limitations in terms of compatibility with other materials. It is not compatible with drywall fiberglass tape or a wallboard joint compound. These limitations may require additional considerations and adjustments during the installation process.
  • Wind load limitations: Wonderboard has a maximum load capacity of 30 lb/sq ft, which may not be suitable for areas with high wind loads. If you are working on a project in a region prone to strong winds, it is crucial to consider whether Wonderboard can adequately withstand the forces exerted on it.

While these limitations exist, it is important to note that they can be mitigated with proper installation techniques and sealing. Following recommended guidelines and working with an experienced professional can help ensure that your Wonderboard installation performs optimally and meets your project requirements.


When choosing between Durock and Wonderboard for your project, it is essential to consider the specific requirements, handling preferences, and the need for waterproofing. Durock offers durability and strength, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. Its ability to withstand high moisture environments makes it a reliable choice. On the other hand, Wonderboard is lighter and easier to work with, while also providing excellent waterproofing properties. It is specifically designed for wet areas like showers and tub surrounds and comes with a 30-year limited warranty.

Ultimately, the decision between Durock and Wonderboard comes down to personal preference and the unique needs of your project. If you require a robust option that can handle heavy-duty applications, Durock is the way to go. However, if you prioritize ease of handling and superior waterproofing in wet areas, Wonderboard is the better choice. Both options have their advantages and limitations, so carefully assess your project’s requirements before making a final decision.

Remember, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines for installation to ensure the best results with either product. Whether you choose Durock or Wonderboard, both cement boards can provide a solid foundation for your tile installation, giving you peace of mind and a beautiful finished result.


Is Durock or Wonderboard better for tile installation?

The choice between Durock and Wonderboard depends on your specific needs. Durock is known for its strength and impact resistance, making it suitable for both walls and floors. Wonderboard, on the other hand, is recommended for wet areas like bathrooms due to its waterproofing properties. Consider the type of project and the desired level of water resistance when deciding between the two.

What is Durock?

Durock is a cement board used as a backer material for tile installations. It is made of inorganic materials like fiberglass, cement, or limestone flour, making it resistant to rot and decomposition. Durock is known for its durability and impact resistance, making it suitable for both interior and exterior applications.

What is Wonderboard?

Wonderboard is a cement board primarily used for wet tiling areas such as bathrooms. It is designed to be waterproof and can withstand high-moisture environments, making it an excellent choice for shower walls and other damp areas. Wonderboard is versatile and can also be used in various applications, including decks, pools, and floors.

What are the differences between Durock and Wonderboard?

The main differences between Durock and Wonderboard lie in their weight, handling, and waterproofing properties. Durock is heavier and contains glass mesh, which makes it more challenging to handle. It is not suitable for softer materials like vinyl or porcelain. Wonderboard, on the other hand, is lighter and easier to work with, making it a preferred choice for beginners. Durock is water-resistant and suitable for both interior and exterior applications, while Wonderboard is primarily designed for interior use and offers excellent waterproofing.

What are the advantages of using Durock?

Durock offers several advantages, including its durability and impact resistance. It provides a strong and stable surface for tile installations and is suitable for both walls and floors. Durock is also water-resistant and can be used in various applications, making it a versatile choice.

What are the advantages of using Wonderboard?

Wonderboard offers several advantages, particularly in terms of waterproofing and versatility. It is designed to be waterproof and can withstand high-moisture environments, making it an excellent choice for wet areas like showers. Wonderboard is also lighter and easier to handle compared to Durock, making it more beginner-friendly.

Are there any drawbacks to using Wonderboard?

While Wonderboard has many advantages, it does have some limitations. It is only approved for interior use, so it cannot be used for exterior applications. Additionally, Wonderboard has a porous core, which means it can absorb water if not properly sealed. It also has specific limitations, such as not being compatible with drywall fiberglass tape or a wallboard joint compound.

Durock vs Wonderboard: Best Backer Choice?

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