Behr vs Benjamin Moore: Best Paint for Your Home

behr vs benjamin moore

When it’s time to paint your home, choosing the right brand is crucial. Two popular options are Behr and Benjamin Moore. To help you make an informed decision, we’ll compare these brands based on factors such as durability, coverage, color options, cost, and customer reviews.

Key Takeaways:

  • Behr and Benjamin Moore are both top paint brands for residential projects.
  • Behr offers stain-repellent and scuff-resistant properties, while Benjamin Moore provides a wide range of colors and low VOC options.
  • Durability, coverage, color selection, price, and customer reviews should all be considered when choosing the best paint brand for your home.
  • Behr is known for being more affordable, while Benjamin Moore is praised for its high quality and longevity.
  • Ultimately, the best paint brand for your project depends on your specific preferences and needs.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the qualities and features of Behr and Benjamin Moore paints to help you make an informed decision.

Behr Paint: Quality and Features

Behr Paint Company, founded in 1947, is a leading supplier of paint and decorative finishes in several countries. The brand is known for its commitment to meeting customer needs in both commercial and residential projects. Behr paints offer durability and various features, making them a reliable choice for both interior and exterior paint applications.


When it comes to durability, Behr paints are designed to withstand the test of time. Whether you’re painting high-traffic areas or exposed exterior surfaces, Behr’s high-quality formulas ensure long-lasting results.

Stain-Repellent Paint

One of the standout features of Behr paint is its stain-repellent properties. This means that your walls or surfaces stay cleaner for longer, as the paint forms a barrier, preventing stains from penetrating the surface. With Behr paint, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that spills and dirt are easier to clean.

Scuff-Resistant Paint

Behr paint is also known for its scuff-resistant properties. This means that your walls are less prone to marks and scratches caused by everyday activities. Behr paint can withstand the wear and tear of daily life, maintaining a fresh and clean appearance for longer.

Antimicrobial-Mildew Resistance

Another crucial feature of Behr paint is its antimicrobial-mildew resistance. This is particularly important in areas with high humidity or moisture, such as bathrooms or basements. Behr paint helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew, ensuring a healthier environment for you and your family.

Fast-Drying Paint

Behr paints are engineered for efficiency, including fast-drying formulas. This means less waiting time between coats and quicker project completion. With Behr paint, you can transform your space without causing significant disruptions to your daily routine.

Behr paint has a wide range of colors and finishes to suit any style or design preference. Whether you’re looking for bold and vibrant shades or elegant neutrals, Behr offers a diverse selection to meet your aesthetic needs.

Overall, Behr paint’s quality and features make it an excellent choice for homeowners and professionals alike. From its durability and stain-repellent properties to scuff resistance and antimicrobial-mildew resistance, Behr paint offers the performance and reliability required for a successful painting project.

Benjamin Moore Paint: Quality and Features

Benjamin Moore, founded in 1883, has established a reputation for producing high-quality paint for both commercial and residential use. The brand offers a wide color selection, including over 3500 options, allowing for creativity in paint projects.

Benjamin Moore paints are known for their smooth finish that can withstand rain within a few hours of application, making them rain-resistant and ideal for exterior painting projects. The durability of Benjamin Moore paints ensures a long-lasting result, maintaining their appearance for years to come.

In addition to their durability and wide color range, Benjamin Moore paints are also allergy-free, making them a safe choice for individuals with sensitivities. Furthermore, their low VOC (volatile organic compounds) formulation contributes to a healthier indoor environment by minimizing the release of harmful chemicals and odors.

Features Benjamin Moore Paint
Quality High-quality paint
Color Selection Wide range of over 3500 colors
Finish Smooth finish
Weather Resistance Rain-resistant
Durability Long-lasting
Low VOC Safe and environmentally-friendly

Overall, Benjamin Moore paint offers a combination of high quality, wide color selection, smooth finish, weather resistance, durability, and low VOC formulation. Whether you are painting interior or exterior surfaces, Benjamin Moore paints provide an excellent choice to achieve a beautiful and long-lasting result.

Benjamin Moore paint in a variety of colors

Durability and Paint Quality

When comparing the durability and quality of Behr and Benjamin Moore paints, several factors come into play.

Adhesion and Longevity

Benjamin Moore is praised for its excellent adhesion properties, ensuring that the paint adheres well to surfaces and withstands the test of time. This contributes to the longevity of Benjamin Moore paints, which have been reported to maintain their appearance for over ten years.

On the other hand, Behr paint has received some complaints about inconsistent results and adhesion issues. Some customers have reported that Behr paint may require repainting after just three years.

VOC Content and Coverage

In terms of VOC (volatile organic compounds) content, Benjamin Moore offers low or zero VOC options, providing not only a superior finish but also a healthier and more environmentally-friendly choice. These paints often provide excellent coverage and consistency, ensuring that fewer coats are required for a beautiful result.

Behr paints, while not lacking in coverage, consistency, and quality, may have higher VOC content levels. However, it’s worth noting that Behr does offer low VOC options as well.

Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

Both Benjamin Moore and Behr prioritize quality control and paint durability. However, Benjamin Moore paints tend to have stronger customer satisfaction ratings, with many customers praising the overall quality, adhesion, and longevity of their paints.

In contrast, Behr paints have had some reports of inconsistent results, particularly in terms of adhesion, which can impact the long-term appearance and durability of the paint.

Overall, while both Behr and Benjamin Moore offer quality paints, Benjamin Moore paints have consistently demonstrated excellent adhesion properties, low VOC content, and superior longevity. These factors contribute to their reputation as a top choice for homeowners seeking long-lasting, high-quality paint for their homes.

Drying Time and Application

The drying time and application process can have a significant impact on the success of your paint project. Understanding the drying time and optimal application methods for different paint brands is essential for achieving the best results. In this section, we will explore how the drying time and application characteristics of Behr and Benjamin Moore paints differ.

Drying Time

Beyond the obvious desire to avoid accidentally smudging wet paint, understanding the drying time of a paint brand will help you plan your project effectively. Behr paints generally require a longer drying time compared to Benjamin Moore paints. The actual drying time may vary depending on factors such as temperature and humidity. It is important to allow sufficient drying time between coats and before recoating to ensure a smooth and durable finish.

Benjamin Moore paints, on the other hand, have a shorter drying time, allowing you to complete your paint project more efficiently. With quicker drying times, the waiting period between coats is reduced, speeding up the overall painting process.


Paint spreadability and ease of application generally depend on the paint’s viscosity and formulation. Behr paints, although durable, may require extra effort when it comes to spreading the paint evenly. Some users have found that Behr paints can be more challenging to work with, especially when using rollers or other application tools. However, with proper technique and patience, it is still possible to achieve satisfactory results.

In contrast, Benjamin Moore paints have smoother application properties, making them easier to work with. The consistency of Benjamin Moore paints allows for better coverage and a more uniform finish. Whether you are using brushes, rollers, or sprayers, you can expect a smoother application experience with Benjamin Moore paints.

Virtual Paint Tools

Both Behr and Benjamin Moore provide online tools that can enhance your painting experience. These virtual paint tools allow users to visualize different paint colors in real-life room settings before making a decision. With these tools, you can experiment with various color options and confidently select the perfect shade for your space. Virtual paint tools eliminate the guesswork and help you make an informed choice.

Price Comparison

When it comes to choosing the perfect paint for your home, finding an affordable option that doesn’t compromise on quality is crucial. In this section, we will compare the prices of Behr and Benjamin Moore paints to help you make an informed decision that offers value for your money.

Affordable Paint Options

For homeowners on a budget, Behr paints are often the preferred choice. Known for their affordability, Behr provides a range of paint options that cater to various project needs. Whether you’re looking to freshen up a small room or tackle a full-scale renovation, Behr offers cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality.

If you’re willing to invest a bit more for long-term durability and superior performance, Benjamin Moore paints might be the better choice. While they are generally priced higher than Behr paints, the Benjamin Moore brand is renowned for its premium quality and exceptional durability. With Benjamin Moore, you can expect excellent coverage, vibrant colors, and a finish that stands the test of time.

Paint Brand Average Price Range per Gallon
Behr $30-$45
Benjamin Moore $50-$70

The table above provides an overview of the average price range per gallon for both Behr and Benjamin Moore paints. While Behr paints offer affordable options ranging from $30 to $45 per gallon, Benjamin Moore paints fall in the higher price range of $50 to $70 per gallon. Keep in mind that these prices may vary depending on the specific paint series and finishes you choose.

Ultimately, the choice between Behr and Benjamin Moore will depend on your budget and the level of quality you’re seeking. Whether you opt for the affordability of Behr or the long-lasting performance of Benjamin Moore, both brands offer value for your money, ensuring a beautiful and durable paint finish for your home.

Customer Reviews and Recommendations

Customer reviews play a significant role in the decision-making process when it comes to paint brands. Let’s take a look at what customers have to say about Behr and Benjamin Moore:

Behr Customer Reviews:

  • Many customers appreciate the affordable price of Behr paints, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious homeowners.
  • The smooth finish of Behr paints is often praised, providing a professional look to the painted surfaces.
  • Positive feedback highlights the stain-repellent properties of Behr paints, ensuring long-lasting and easy-to-maintain finishes.

Benjamin Moore Customer Reviews:

  • Customers consistently praise the durability of Benjamin Moore paints, noting that the paint maintains its high-quality finish over time.
  • The wide selection of colors offered by Benjamin Moore is a favorite among customers, allowing for endless creativity in paint projects.
  • Positive feedback highlights the rain-resistant and long-lasting qualities of Benjamin Moore paints, providing peace of mind and added value.

“I highly recommend Benjamin Moore paints for their exceptional quality and durability. They truly stand the test of time!” – Sarah, homeowner

“Behr paints have been a great choice for me due to their affordability and smooth finish. I’ve received numerous compliments on my painted walls!” – Jason, homeowner

Based on customer reviews, Benjamin Moore receives more positive consumer ratings overall. Their paints have been recognized by experts as a top-performing brand, delivering exceptional paint performance and customer satisfaction.

Please note that paint brand preference may vary depending on individual experiences and specific project requirements. It is always advisable to consider customer reviews alongside other factors when making a decision.

Positive Feedback


After comparing Behr and Benjamin Moore, it is evident that both brands offer reputable paint options with their own unique qualities and benefits. Behr paints stand out for their affordability and special features like stain-repellent and scuff-resistant properties. On the other hand, Benjamin Moore paints offer a wide range of colors, superior durability, and low VOC options.

When it comes to making a final decision between Behr and Benjamin Moore, several factors should be taken into consideration. Durability and coverage, color selection, price, and customer reviews are all important aspects to evaluate. Ultimately, the best paint brand for your home will depend on your specific preferences and project requirements.

Whether you opt for Behr or Benjamin Moore, both brands are renowned and trusted in the industry. Take your time to research, compare, and consider your needs before making your final decision. Remember, the right paint brand can enhance the beauty and longevity of your home, so choose wisely!


What is the difference between Behr and Benjamin Moore paints?

Behr and Benjamin Moore are both reputable paint brands, but they have some key differences. Behr paints are known for their affordability and features such as stain-repellent and scuff-resistant properties. Benjamin Moore paints, on the other hand, offer a wide range of colors, superior durability, and low VOC options.

Are Behr paints durable?

Behr paints are known for their durability. They have features such as stain-repellent properties, scuff resistance, and antimicrobial-mildew resistance, making them a reliable choice for both interior and exterior paint applications.

What are the features of Benjamin Moore paints?

Benjamin Moore paints are known for their high quality and durability. They offer a wide selection of colors, including over 3500 options, allowing for creativity in paint projects. Additionally, their paints are allergy-free and low VOC, making them safe and environmentally-friendly options.

Which paint brand has better adhesion properties?

Benjamin Moore is praised for its excellent adhesion properties, which contribute to the longevity of the paint. Some customers have reported adhesion issues with Behr paints.

How many coats of paint are typically needed for Behr and Benjamin Moore?

Behr paints may require multiple coats for optimal results, while Benjamin Moore paints often require fewer coats. Benjamin Moore paints also tend to provide superior coverage, requiring fewer coats for a fantastic finish.

Is there a difference in drying time between Behr and Benjamin Moore paints?

Yes, there is a difference in drying time. Behr paints generally require a longer drying time, depending on temperatures, while Benjamin Moore paints have a shorter drying time.

Which paint brand is more affordable?

Behr paints are generally more affordable compared to Benjamin Moore paints. Behr is a popular choice for budget-conscious homeowners.

What do customer reviews say about Behr and Benjamin Moore paints?

Customer opinions are mixed. Some customers prefer the affordable price and smooth finish of Behr paints, while others praise the durability and high-quality finish of Benjamin Moore paints. Benjamin Moore receives more positive consumer ratings and reviews overall and has been recognized as a top-performing paint brand.

Which is the best paint brand for my home?

The best paint brand for your home will depend on your specific preferences and project requirements. Consider factors such as durability, coverage, color selection, price, and customer reviews when making your decision.

Behr vs Benjamin Moore: Best Paint for Your Home

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