Clear Span Trusses vs Center Bearing: Compare Now

clear span trusses vs center bearing

When it comes to construction projects, selecting the right structural support system is essential. Clear span trusses and center bearing trusses are two commonly used options, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the key differences between them will help you make an informed decision for your specific project.

In this article, we will compare clear span trusses and center bearing trusses, highlighting their unique features, benefits, and limitations. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of which option best suits your construction needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Clear span trusses and center bearing trusses are two types of structural support systems used in construction.
  • Clear span trusses provide open and flexible spaces, while center bearing trusses offer increased stability and load-bearing capacity.
  • The choice between the two depends on factors such as project requirements, design preferences, and budget constraints.
  • Consulting with professionals, like structural engineers or construction experts, can help you make an informed decision.
  • Consider the specific needs of your construction project, including the desired interior layout, structural requirements, and long-term goals.

Now that you have a clear understanding of the focus and structure of this article, let’s explore in detail what clear span trusses and center bearing trusses have to offer.

What are Clear Span Trusses?

Clear span trusses are an essential component of modern construction projects, providing structural support for roofs or floors without the need for interior columns or walls. This innovative design allows for the creation of large, unobstructed spaces that offer maximum flexibility in interior layout and design.

Clear span trusses are engineered to distribute the weight of the structure evenly, ensuring stability and durability. They are commonly used in various applications, such as commercial buildings, warehouses, recreational facilities, and residential constructions.

However, it’s important to consider that clear span trusses may have some disadvantages to keep in mind. One of the main drawbacks is their higher material and installation costs compared to other types of truss systems. The absence of interior supports requires the use of longer and heavier truss members, resulting in increased expenses.

Despite these disadvantages, clear span trusses offer several benefits that make them a popular choice in many construction projects. Their ability to create open and flexible spaces allows for easy customization and adaptability to changing needs. Additionally, the absence of interior columns or walls eliminates obstructions, providing uninterrupted views and optimal use of the available space.

“Clear span trusses provide large open spaces with flexibility in design, but their cost may be higher compared to other truss systems.”

Clear Span Trusses

Advantages Disadvantages
– Creates open and flexible spaces – Higher material and installation costs
– Allows for maximum interior layout and design freedom
– Provides uninterrupted views and optimized use of space

What are Center Bearing Trusses?

Center bearing trusses are a type of truss system that relies on a central support system to distribute the weight of the structure. This design typically includes a load-bearing wall or column positioned in the center of the span. Center bearing trusses offer several benefits and can be a suitable choice for various construction projects.

Increased Structural Stability

One of the key advantages of center bearing trusses is their ability to provide increased structural stability. The load-bearing wall or column in the center of the span helps evenly distribute the weight, which can enhance the overall strength and durability of the structure.

Ability to Handle Heavier Loads

Center bearing trusses are known for their ability to handle heavier loads compared to other types of truss systems. The centralized support system allows for a greater weight-bearing capacity, making center bearing trusses suitable for projects that require robust structural support.

Potentially Lower Costs

In some cases, center bearing trusses can offer potential cost savings compared to clear span trusses. The centralized support system reduces the need for extensive materials and construction, resulting in potential cost efficiencies for the overall project. However, it is important to consult with a qualified professional to assess the specific cost implications for your construction project.

Benefits of Center Bearing Trusses
Increased structural stability
Ability to handle heavier loads
Potentially lower costs

center bearing trusses

Key Differences between Clear Span Trusses and Center Bearing Trusses

The decision between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses ultimately comes down to their contrasting structural support systems. Clear span trusses provide open and flexible spaces by eliminating the need for interior supports. On the other hand, center bearing trusses rely on a central support system, which may limit the options for interior layouts.

Clear span trusses, as the name suggests, allow for uninterrupted spans without the need for interior columns or walls. This design creates large, open spaces that maximize flexibility in interior layout and design. The absence of interior supports provides more freedom for architectural creativity and allows for optimal utilization of the available space.

Clear Span vs Center Bearing Trusses

Clear span trusses are like a blank canvas, offering limitless possibilities for interior design and functionality. The absence of obstructions allows for the creation of spacious and versatile areas suitable for various purposes.

On the other hand, center bearing trusses employ a central support system, typically a load-bearing wall or column in the middle of the span. This central support provides added structural stability and allows the truss system to handle heavier loads. However, the presence of a central support can restrict the layout options within the structure.

The choice between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses should be driven by the specific project requirements, design preferences, and budget constraints. Here’s a comparison table highlighting the key differences:

Clear Span Trusses Center Bearing Trusses
  • Open and flexible spaces
  • No interior supports
  • Maximized interior layout options
  • Higher material and installation costs
  • Structural stability
  • Ability to handle heavier loads
  • Potentially lower costs
  • Limited interior layout options

Choosing Between Clear Span Trusses and Center Bearing Trusses

When deciding between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses, it’s essential to carefully consider the specific needs of your construction project. Several factors should be evaluated to make an informed decision that aligns with your desired outcomes.

Interior Layout

The desired interior layout of your space plays a crucial role in determining the type of truss system that will work best. If you require a large, open area without any obstructions, clear span trusses are the ideal choice. They provide maximum flexibility for interior design, allowing you to customize the space to your exact specifications.

On the other hand, if your project necessitates a load-bearing wall or column in the center of the span, then center bearing trusses would be more suitable. While this may limit some interior layout options, center bearing trusses provide added stability and can accommodate heavier loads.

Structural Requirements

Consider the specific structural requirements of your project. Clear span trusses are designed to support the roof or floor without the need for interior support columns or walls. They offer uninterrupted space, allowing for greater design freedom. However, they may require a more complex engineering and installation process, typically resulting in higher material and labor costs.

In contrast, center bearing trusses utilize a central support system to distribute the weight of the structure. This system may be advantageous for projects with specific load-bearing requirements, as it offers increased stability and structural integrity.

Budget Constraints

Another crucial aspect to consider is your project’s budget. Clear span trusses often come with higher material and installation costs due to their more complex design and engineering requirements. Keep in mind that the long-term benefits and flexibility of clear span trusses may outweigh the initial investment, depending on the project’s scope and goals.

Center bearing trusses, on the other hand, may offer a more cost-effective solution for projects with specific load-bearing needs. The centralized support system can help reduce material and labor costs when compared to a completely open space provided by clear span trusses.

Consulting with Professionals

Making a decision between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses can be challenging. To ensure you are making the best choice for your construction project, it is highly recommended to consult with a structural engineer or construction professional. Their expertise and experience will provide valuable insights and help you navigate through the decision-making process.

By carefully evaluating the factors mentioned above, you can confidently choose between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses, selecting the option that aligns with your project’s requirements, budget constraints, and long-term goals.

Factors to Consider Clear Span Trusses Center Bearing Trusses
Interior Layout Maximum flexibility in interior design Potential limitations due to central support system
Structural Requirements No need for interior support columns or walls Centralized support for increased stability
Budget Constraints Potentially higher material and installation costs Potential cost savings for specific load-bearing needs

Factors to Consider when Evaluating Truss Systems

In order to determine the best truss system for your project, it is essential to consider several factors. These include the type of structure being built, the intended use of the space, the span length required, the load-bearing capacity needed, and any architectural or design considerations.

When evaluating truss systems, it’s important to understand the benefits and limitations of clear span trusses and center bearing trusses:

Clear Span Trusses

Advantages Disadvantages
Allow for maximum flexibility in interior layout and design Higher material and installation costs compared to other truss systems

Center Bearing Trusses

Advantages Disadvantages
Increased structural stability May limit interior layout options
Ability to handle heavier loads
Potentially lower costs compared to clear span trusses

By considering these factors and understanding the advantages and disadvantages of clear span trusses and center bearing trusses, you can make an informed decision on the best truss system for your construction project.

When evaluating truss systems, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons of each option based on your project requirements. Consider the specific needs of your structure, the desired interior layout, and the budget constraints. By doing so, you can ensure the chosen truss system meets the necessary load-bearing capacity and provides the required architectural flexibility.


In conclusion, when deciding between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses for your construction project, it’s important to consider your specific requirements. Clear span trusses offer the advantage of open and flexible spaces, allowing for maximum design possibilities. However, they may come with higher costs due to the need for additional materials and installation expertise.

On the other hand, center bearing trusses provide structural stability and the ability to handle heavier loads. They can be a cost-effective option as they do not require the same level of materials and engineering as clear span trusses. However, center bearing trusses may limit your interior layout options due to the need for a central support system.

To make an informed decision, it is recommended to take into account factors such as your project requirements, design preferences, and budget constraints. Consulting with professionals, such as structural engineers or construction experts, can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the decision-making process. By carefully considering these factors and seeking expert advice, you can choose the most suitable truss system for your construction project.


What is the difference between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses?

Clear span trusses do not require interior support columns or walls, providing open and flexible spaces. Center bearing trusses utilize a center support system, such as a load-bearing wall or column, for increased structural stability.

What are clear span trusses?

Clear span trusses are designed to support roofs or floors without the need for interior support, creating large, open spaces. However, they may have higher material and installation costs compared to other truss systems.

What are center bearing trusses?

Center bearing trusses rely on a central support system, such as a load-bearing wall or column, to distribute the weight of the structure. They offer increased structural stability and are capable of handling heavier loads.

What are the key differences between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses?

Clear span trusses provide open and flexible spaces but may have higher costs. Center bearing trusses offer stability, can handle heavier loads, and potentially have lower costs. The choice depends on project requirements and design preferences.

How do I choose between clear span trusses and center bearing trusses?

Consider factors such as desired interior layout, structural requirements, budget constraints, and long-term goals. Consulting with professionals, such as structural engineers or construction professionals, can help you make an informed decision.

What factors should I consider when evaluating truss systems?

Factors to consider include the type of structure being built, the intended use of the space, the required span length, the load-bearing capacity needed, and any architectural or design considerations.

Clear Span Trusses vs Center Bearing: Compare Now

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