Cabinet Coat vs Advance: Best Paint Choice

cabinet coat vs advance

When it comes to painting cabinets, choosing the right paint is essential for a flawless finish. In this article, we will compare two popular options – Cabinet Coat and Advance – to help you make the best choice for your cabinet painting project. We will assess their features, application process, durability, and customer satisfaction. Whether you are a DIY enthusiast or a professional, this comparison will give you valuable insights to guide your decision.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cabinet Coat and Advance are both excellent choices for cabinet painting projects.
  • Cabinet Coat offers easy application, fast drying, and a durable finish.
  • Advance provides a range of finish options and boasts a smooth, refined look.
  • Consider your specific project requirements and preferences when choosing between these two paints.
  • Remember to properly prepare the surface before painting for optimal results.

Features of Cabinet Coat

Cabinet Coat is an acrylic paint specifically designed for cabinets. It offers several features that make it a popular choice among DIY enthusiasts and professionals.

  • Easy to work with: Cabinet Coat’s acrylic formula makes it easy to apply, providing a smooth and seamless painting experience.
  • Durable cabinet paint: The durable formula of Cabinet Coat ensures that the paint doesn’t chip off easily, making it perfect for high-traffic areas like kitchen cabinets.
  • Smooth finish: When applied correctly, Cabinet Coat provides a smooth and flawless finish, enhancing the overall appearance of your cabinets.
  • Fast drying time: Cabinet Coat has a quick drying time, allowing you to finish your cabinet painting project in less time compared to other paints.
  • Soap and water cleanup: Cleaning up after using Cabinet Coat is a breeze. Simply use soap and water to remove any paint residue from your brushes and tools.

To give you an idea of how Cabinet Coat can transform your cabinets, take a look at this stunning before and after image:

cabinet coat features

As you can see, Cabinet Coat delivers a smooth and flawless finish, completely reviving the look of old and worn-out cabinets. Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a professional cabinet painter, Cabinet Coat provides the perfect combination of ease-of-use and durable results.

Features of Advance

Advance is a similar product to Cabinet Coat, owned by Benjamin Moore. It offers a hybrid formulation as a “water borne alkyd.” Advance is easy to work with and claims to be self-priming, although it is recommended to properly prepare the surface before painting. It has a longer drying time compared to Cabinet Coat and requires more sanding. However, it dries to a very hard finish and provides a smooth application, making it ideal for cabinets.

Here are the key features of Advance:

  • Hybrid Formulation: Advance combines the benefits of water-based and oil-based paints, offering the durability of oil-based paints with the easy cleanup of water-based paints.
  • Self-Priming: While Advance is self-priming, for optimal results, it is recommended to properly prime and prepare the surface before painting.
  • Easy to Work With: With its smooth consistency, Advance is easy to work with and provides excellent flow and leveling, resulting in a professional-looking finish.
  • Long Drying Time: Unlike Cabinet Coat, Advance has a longer drying time, allowing for better leveling and minimizing brushstrokes and roller marks.
  • Hard Finish: Once dried, Advance forms a hard and durable finish that is resistant to scratches, stains, and chipping, making it ideal for high-traffic areas like cabinets.
  • Smooth Application: The smooth and creamy consistency of Advance ensures a seamless application, providing an even and uniform coat of paint.

To give you a better understanding, here is a visual representation of the features of Advance:

Advance Features

Features Advance
Formulation Hybrid formulation (water borne alkyd)
Self-Priming Yes
Ease of Use Easy to work with
Drying Time Long drying time
Finish Hard finish
Application Smooth application

Advance’s hybrid formulation, self-priming capability, and smooth application make it a popular choice among homeowners and professionals looking for a durable and long-lasting finish for their cabinets. While it requires more drying time compared to Cabinet Coat, its hard finish and ease of use make it worth considering for your cabinet painting project.

Application and Finish Options

Applying the right paint to your cabinets is crucial for achieving a flawless finish. Both Cabinet Coat and Advance offer versatile application options to suit your preference. You can choose to use a brush, roller, or HVLP spray for a smooth and even coverage.

When it comes to the application process, Cabinet Coat has a unique characteristic. It goes on very thin, ensuring a seamless and professional-looking finish. On the other hand, Advance has slightly more solids by volume, which may require you to adjust your application technique for optimal results.

Another factor to consider is the finish options available. Cabinet Coat is known for its satin finish, which offers a subtle sheen and is easy to clean. This finish gives your cabinets a timeless and elegant look.

Advance, on the other hand, provides a wider range of finish options to suit different design preferences. You can choose from satin, semi-gloss, or high-gloss finishes. A satin finish offers a soft sheen, while a semi-gloss finish provides a more lustrous look. If you prefer a high-shine appearance, the high-gloss finish will be perfect for you.

With the choice between Cabinet Coat’s satin finish and Advance’s range of finish options, you can select the one that best suits your desired design aesthetic. Whether you prefer a subtle sheen or a more pronounced gloss, both paints give you the flexibility to achieve the look you envision for your cabinets.

Finish Options for Cabinet Paint

Durability and Customer Satisfaction

One of the key considerations when selecting a cabinet paint is its durability. Both Cabinet Coat and Advance are highly regarded for their long-lasting finishes that can withstand the rigors of daily use. Let’s take a closer look at the durability and customer satisfaction associated with each paint option:

Durability of Cabinet Coat

Cabinet Coat is specifically formulated to endure the demands of kitchen and bathroom environments. Its resilient composition ensures that it can withstand moisture exposure, preventing any damage or deterioration. This durability factor makes Cabinet Coat an ideal choice for cabinets that are subject to frequent use and humidity.

Customer Reviews of Cabinet Coat

Customer reviews of Cabinet Coat consistently highlight its durability as a standout feature. Many users appreciate the professional-grade results it delivers, ensuring a long-lasting finish that remains intact for years. The durability of Cabinet Coat is often praised for its ability to resist chipping, fading, and general wear and tear that cabinets may be exposed to over time.

“I used Cabinet Coat for my kitchen cabinets, and I could not be happier with the durability of the paint. Even after years of use, it still looks as good as new!” – Sarah C.

Durability of Advance

Similar to Cabinet Coat, Advance also boasts impressive durability. Its formula is designed to create a hard finish that is resistant to chipping, scuffing, and fading, ensuring that cabinets maintain their pristine appearance even with regular use. Advance provides a level of durability that withstands the test of time.

Customer Reviews of Advance Paint

Customer reviews of Advance paint consistently highlight its smooth application and high-quality finish. Users praise the durability of Advance, emphasizing its ability to maintain a flawless appearance even in high-traffic areas. The long-lasting nature of Advance paint is often commended by customers as it exceeds their expectations by delivering professional-grade results.

“I chose Advance paint for my bathroom cabinets, and I’m impressed by how durable the finish is. It has held up exceptionally well despite daily use.” – Mark T.

Paint Durability Customer Satisfaction
Cabinet Coat High durability, withstands moisture exposure Positive customer reviews, professional-grade results
Advance Resistant to chipping, scuffing, and fading Smooth application, high-quality finish, exceeds expectations

Both Cabinet Coat and Advance offer impressive durability and have garnered positive customer satisfaction. The choice between the two will depend on individual preferences and project requirements. Whether you opt for the durability of Cabinet Coat or the enduring finish of Advance, both paints provide professional-grade results that will leave your cabinets looking beautiful for years to come.

Price and Color Range

When it comes to cabinet paint, cost and color selection are important factors to consider. In this section, we will discuss the price of Cabinet Coat and Advance, as well as the color options available for your cabinet painting project.

Price Comparison

When comparing the price of cabinet paint, Cabinet Coat is generally more affordable than Advance. However, it’s important to note that the exact price may vary depending on the retailer and your location. It’s always a good idea to check with local suppliers or online retailers to get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

Color Selection

When it comes to choosing a color for your cabinets, Advance offers a wider range of options compared to Cabinet Coat. Advance allows you to choose from thousands of colors, giving you the flexibility to find the perfect shade that complements your kitchen or bathroom decor. Whether you’re looking for classic neutrals or bold, statement-making hues, Advance has a color to suit your style.

On the other hand, Cabinet Coat provides a more curated selection of colors. While it may have fewer options compared to Advance, Cabinet Coat still offers a range of colors that are timeless and versatile. Whether you prefer a bright white or a soft gray, you can find a color in Cabinet Coat’s collection that will transform your cabinets.

In conclusion, when considering price and color selection, Cabinet Coat offers an affordable option with a curated range of colors, while Advance provides a wider selection for those seeking specific shades or a greater variety of color options. It’s important to consider these factors along with the other features and qualities discussed in this article to make an informed decision for your cabinet painting project.


After comparing the features, application process, durability, and customer satisfaction of Cabinet Coat and Advance, it is clear that both paints have their own strengths and considerations to take into account.

Cabinet Coat is a top choice for professionals and DIY enthusiasts due to its ease of application, fast drying time, and durable finish. It offers a smooth and flawless result that can withstand daily use and moisture exposure, making it ideal for kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

On the other hand, Advance provides a wider range of finish options and offers a smooth and refined look. While it has a longer drying time and may require additional sanding, it delivers a hard finish that is resistant to chipping, scuffing, and fading.

Ultimately, the best cabinet paint choice depends on your specific project requirements and design preferences. Consider factors such as ease of application, drying time, durability, and finish options to make an informed decision. Whichever paint you choose, both Cabinet Coat and Advance offer high-quality options for transforming your cabinets with professional-grade results.


Is Cabinet Coat or Advance a better choice for painting cabinets?

The best paint choice between Cabinet Coat and Advance depends on your specific project requirements and preferences. Cabinet Coat is known for its easy application, fast drying time, and durable finish, making it a popular choice among professionals. Advance offers a wider range of finish options and has a longer drying time but provides a smooth and refined look.

What are the features of Cabinet Coat?

Cabinet Coat is an acrylic paint specifically designed for cabinets. It is easy to work with, thanks to its acrylic formula that dries fast and can be cleaned up with soap and water. It provides a smooth finish and has a durable formula that ensures the paint doesn’t chip off easily.

What are the features of Advance?

Advance is a hybrid formulation known as a “water borne alkyd” owned by Benjamin Moore. It is easy to work with and claims to be self-priming, although it is recommended to properly prepare the surface before painting. It has a longer drying time compared to Cabinet Coat and requires more sanding. However, it dries to a very hard finish and provides a smooth application, making it ideal for cabinets.

How do I apply Cabinet Coat and Advance? What kind of finish options do they offer?

Both Cabinet Coat and Advance can be applied using a brush, roller, or HVLP spray. Cabinet Coat goes on very thin, resulting in a smooth finish. It has a satin finish, which offers a subtle sheen and is easy to clean. Advance offers a range of finish options including satin, semi-gloss, and high-gloss, allowing you to choose the finish that best suits your design preferences.

Are Cabinet Coat and Advance durable?

Yes, both Cabinet Coat and Advance are known for their durability. Cabinet Coat can withstand daily use and moisture exposure in kitchen and bathroom environments, while Advance has a durable finish that is resistant to chipping, scuffing, and fading.

How do the prices of Cabinet Coat and Advance compare?

Cabinet Coat is generally more affordable than Advance, although prices may vary depending on the retailer and location.

Do Cabinet Coat and Advance offer a wide range of color options?

Advance offers a wider selection of colors compared to Cabinet Coat, with the ability to choose from thousands of colors. This makes Advance a better option if you’re looking for specific colors or shades for your cabinets.

Cabinet Coat vs Advance: Best Paint Choice

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